A Story about a Woman Launching a Business During a Pandemic

I’d like to tell you a story about a woman.  A woman I know intimately as Jenny.  You might know her too (hint: it’s me!). About 5 years ago Jenny noticed a little niggling deep in the core of her gut.  This little niggle was an idea.  A sweet, little glimmering light begging for attention.  Begging to be seen.  Working so hard to be seen that it was actually making Jenny uncomfortable.  Jenny kept ignoring it, she begged it to go away, she said “not now” and “I’m not ready.”

But that little light was persistent, and despite Jenny’s best efforts it would continue to show itself here and there until one day it brought a burst of inspiration that snuck through the cracks of Jenny’s mind and into her heart.

You are meant for bigger things, it said.  Later is NOW, it said. 

This is the story of how Jenny (aka, Me, Myself and I) decided to start her own interior design business. 



Fast forward 5 years to today.  The official launch of Neilson Design Studio.  Is it how I thought it would be?  Definitely not.  Did I anticipate a worldwide pandemic would be happening when 4 months ago I officially set the wheels in motion? Not a chance.  Am I scared?  Holy crap am I ever. 

But it looks like I am learning my first lesson in being a business owner.  There will be set backs, but giving up is not an option if the intention is to move forward.  Innovate.  Adapt. Be ready for change.

So, here I am and I’ve never been more ready.  Pandemic or not, this business is going to move forward, even if it means it doesn’t look exactly how I thought it would. Those little twinkly lights are bright and ready to party.

I am a designer.  I am ready to design the future I have always envisioned for myself – and it starts today.

Join me. 

With love, twinkly lights and mass quantities of green tea,
